How to get started with Dart programming language

Are you looking to learn a versatile programming language that is perfect for building web apps, GUI applications, and even server-side code? If so, then Dart might just be the programming language you've been looking for!

In this comprehensive guide, we will show you how to get started with Dart programming language, from installing your development environment to creating your first app. So, whether you are a seasoned programmer or just starting, let's dive right into the world of Dart!

Why Dart?

First, let's talk about why you might want to learn Dart. Dart is a robust and modern programming language, originally developed by Google in 2011. It has been gaining popularity in recent years due to its versatility, scalability, and ease of use.

Dart is also a statically typed language, which means it has better performance and error detection at compile time. It is also a cross-platform language, which means it can be used on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS, making it perfect for web and mobile development.

Another reason to learn Dart is its similarity to popular languages like Java and JavaScript. This means that if you already have experience in these languages, you will find it easy to pick up Dart.

Install Dart

Before you get started with Dart programming, you need to install it on your machine. The good news is that Dart is easy to install, and there are several ways to do it.

The simplest way to install Dart is to download the Dart SDK from the official website at Choose the appropriate version for your operating system, and then follow the installation instructions for your platform.

Alternatively, if you are using a Linux or Mac OS system, you can install Dart using the Homebrew package manager. Just run the following command in your terminal:

brew tap dart-lang/dart
brew install dart

Once you have installed Dart, you can check that it is working correctly by running the following command in your terminal:

dart --version

This should display the version number of the installed Dart SDK.

Set up your development environment

Once you have Dart installed on your system, you need to set up your development environment. There are several popular code editors and IDEs that you can use for Dart development, including:

In this guide, we will use Visual Studio Code for Dart development, as it is free and widely used.

To get started, download and install Visual Studio Code from the official website at Once you have installed Visual Studio Code, open it up and navigate to the extensions sidebar by clicking on the square icon on the left side of the screen.

Next, search for and install the Dart Code extension, which provides Dart language support and additional features like code completion, debugging, and refactoring support.

Create your first Dart app

Now that your development environment is set up, it's time to create your first Dart app! The first step is to create a new project folder for your app. In the terminal, navigate to the directory where you want to create your project and then run the following command:

mkdir myapp

This will create a new directory called "myapp" in the current directory. Next, navigate into this directory by running the following command:

cd myapp

Now that you are inside your project folder, you can create a new Dart file. In Visual Studio Code, click on the File menu and select New File. Then, save the file with a .dart extension, such as "main.dart".

Next, open the main.dart file and add the following code:

void main() {
  print('Hello, Dart!');

This code creates a simple function that prints out the message "Hello, Dart!" to the console.

To run this app, you can either use the terminal or the built-in Visual Studio Code debugger. To use the terminal, navigate back to the myapp directory in the terminal and then run the following command:

dart main.dart

This will run the Dart app, and you should see the message "Hello, Dart!" printed in the terminal.

Alternatively, you can use the Visual Studio Code debugger to run your app. Click on the Debug menu, then click on the green "Run" button to create a new launch configuration. By default, this will create a "Dart & Flutter" launch configuration that you can use to run your app.

Once you have created your launch configuration, click on the green "Run" button again to start the debugger. This will launch your app and show the console output in the Debug Console on the bottom of the screen.

Dart syntax basics

Now that you have created your first Dart app, let's take a look at some of the syntax basics that you will need to know to start writing more complex Dart code.

Variables and data types

In Dart, you can declare variables using the var, final, and const keywords. The var keyword is used for declaring variables that can be reassigned, while final and const are used for declaring variables that cannot be reassigned.

// declare a variable with the var keyword
var name = 'John';

// declare a final variable
final age = 42;

// declare a const variable
const pi = 3.14;

Dart has several built-in data types, including int, double, bool, String, and List.

// declare an integer variable
int number = 42;

// declare a double variable
double pi = 3.14;

// declare a boolean variable
bool isStudent = true;

// declare a String variable
String name = 'John';

// declare a List variable
List<String> cities = ['New York', 'London', 'Tokyo'];


In Dart, you can define functions using the void keyword, which indicates that the function does not return a value, or using a data type, which indicates that the function returns a value of that type.

// define a function that takes no arguments
void sayHello() {
  print('Hello, world!');

// define a function that takes an argument and returns a value
String greet(String name) {
  return 'Hello, $name!';

Control flow statements

Dart has several control flow statements, including if/else, for, while, and switch/case.

// if/else statement
if (age < 18) {
  print('You are not old enough to vote.');
} else {
  print('You can vote!');

// for loop
for (var i = 0; i < cities.length; i++) {

// while loop
var counter = 0;
while (counter < 10) {

// switch/case statement
switch (day) {
  case 'Monday':
    print('Today is Monday.');
  case 'Tuesday':
    print('Today is Tuesday.');
    print('Today is not Monday or Tuesday.');

Classes and objects

Dart is an object-oriented language, which means you can define classes to create objects that encapsulate data and behavior.

// define a Person class
class Person {
  String name;
  int age;

  Person(, this.age);

  void sayHello() {
    print('Hello, my name is $name and I am $age years old.');

// create a new Person object
var john = Person('John', 42);

// call the sayHello method
john.sayHello(); // Hello, my name is John and I am 42 years old.


Congratulations! You have now learned how to get started with Dart programming language, from installing Dart to creating your first app and understanding basic syntax concepts like variables, functions, and control flow statements.

In conclusion, Dart is an excellent choice for beginners and advanced programmers alike, with its versatility, scalability, and ease of use. Whether you are building web apps, GUI applications, or server-side code, Dart has got you covered.

So, what are you waiting for? Start learning Dart today and take your programming skills to the next level!

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